Canadian Geography
Now available! Canadian high school Geography curriculum. Internet-linked workbooks that turn the textbook into a full course! By the author of Headphone History
During the Canada Post strike we recommend using to order these workbooks!
companion workbook to encounter canada textbook $34 + SHIPPING
This amazing workbook includes lesson plans, lessons, and over 100 instructional videos which, when combined with the text, create a high school credit in Canadian Geography.
our new canadian geography high school course is available for the making connections textbook! $37 + shipping
answer key for the Encounter workbook $9 DIGITAL PDF
This is the complete answer key for the workbook. Comes as a PDF digital download.
for now the answer key is included in the course as a free download!
The author, Rowan Atkinson, studied Geography as a Minor subject at Wilfrid Laurier University. She took courses on Environmental Geography and the geography of Tourism and Transportation, to name a few. If you have a question about the courses that’s time sensitive, text Rowan on her cell 705=994-2826. Otherwise, go ahead and email with our contact form :)
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which textbook is the best???
In our opinion the Encounter Canada textbook is a more thorough text that gives a broader geographical education than the Making Connections text, which focuses on issues in geography. Making Connections is on the Ontario approved Trillium list. The companion workbook for Making Connections includes additional lessons to make up for what’s missing in the text. If your student wishes to pursue geography, we recommend the Encounter text.